Brand Building and Development

Brand Building and Development

At times like these your charity needs to be resilient, but also innovative, to survive. We can help you NOW. Please contact us on 01747 820396 or email

Brand Building and Development

RMD Consulting is a charity consultancy which provides Brand Building and Development /Enhancement consultancy for the not-for-profit sector and charities.

Has your brand lost its impact? Is your organisation losing ‘market share’? Do you now have to build up your brand in the face of increasing competition and legislation? Our skillset would be to diagnose the problem – is it something to do with the brand essence that is lacking or you just don’t really know the DNA of your brand anymore?

Diagnosis of the problem would be through an audit of what has been done before.

  • What is being done currently to promote or not the brand?
  • What can be done with the resources available to promote the brand so it connects better to your target market?
  • What communication platforms need to be established and with what pace given the challenges you face?

In short, a brand strategy document would be developed with the accent on practicality and with a timed action plan. Through our associates we can then work with you to implement the plan. It would be jargon free and be easily implementable by staff. We firmly believe that staff should want to make changes to the organisation they work for as this is the best way to bring about effective and lasting change.

We offer practical help for charities and we can facilitate the implementation of any changes to the brand through individual mentoring or workshops. If a brand is to be effective, everyone must believe in what it stands for. It should have a purpose and not be just a set of words or a logo, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Unlike commercial organisations, charities and not-for-profits can neglect their brand at the expense of organisational and policy issues. As a not for profit consulting firm, we contend that ALL of these issues are important. Your brand is the first thing a donor or client is exposed to. It should therefore have meaning and engage them.